
Friday, February 24, 2012

HOW TO: Rejuvenate Dull/Tired Skin

The skin is the largest organ of our body. Our faces are the first thing people see when they greet us; it is how they will always remember us. Today, with hectic lifestyles, daily troubles, pollution, and daily exposure to the sun, it is hard not to wear all our stress on our faces! Dull looking skin can make us look older and can really put a damper on our day!

But luckily, we can treat our lifeless, tired skin and rejuvenate it! Below are some steps you should consider if you suffer from a tired complexion.


Your skin is made up of layers. Our skin is constantly dying (I know, that sounds gross) and trying to fall off to give the fresh, "new" skin underneath a chance to show. Dead skin cells can cause major dullness and they have the nasty ability to clog your pores and produce horrendous acne. Exfoliating is basically removing those dead skin cells. Doing so can make you look brighter, even out your skin's texture and tone, and it can also make you look younger! But be careful! If you are someone with sensitive skin, exfoliating every day might not work for you if you cannot find a gentle enough scrub. Also, if your scrub is too harsh, you do not want to be too rough. Light pressure is all you need to show brighter, more awake skin and slough off all those unwanted dead skin cells.


Beauty sleep is not a myth. Not getting enough sleep can make you look terrible. Most of the cell repair and regeneration occurs after you've gone to bed so skimping on sleep can lead to not-so-nice skin. There is nothing wrong with having a late night here and there but making a habit of it spells dangers for our faces. Sleep is crucial to a good complexion. Make sure you are getting your 7-8 hours.

Facial Massage

Facial massage is very popular in Asia and for good reason! Facial massage can help you look years younger and brighter. It promotes circulation to the face and helps your lymph nodes drain all the excess liquid. Massage can provide you with that glow that you were so lacking. With all the articles out there, you can even do it at the comfort of your own home.


So many of us are dehydrated and we don't even know it! Water is key. I cannot stress enough to importance of water. It flushes out all the impurities in our bodies and keeps us hydrated and fresh. Think of your skin as a grape laid out in the sun. It will dry up all that moisture and next thing you know, you're a raisin! Drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water will help you from the inside out to revive your complexion.


Washing your face frequently strips your face of its natural moisture. Using a moisturizer for your skin type is key to giving your skin back moisture that you stripped from it. Excess dryness and flaking can make you look dull and, well, flaky! If you moisturize after washing your face, you will keep your skin from looking stressed out and avoid it producing excess oil to compensate for the moisture it lost. Moisturizers are quite cheap and can be found even at your local drugstore.

Healthy Living

Our bodies are our temples. Treating it with goodness from the inside will reflect how it looks on the outside. Exercising will promote good circulation and a balanced diet will promote good health. Being healthy is key to looking our best. When we look our best, we feel our best. Cutting out processed items from our diet can greatly impact our appearance and overall health. While major changes are hard, even small ones like eating more fruit (yum!) or cutting down our salt intake can make a big difference.


Sometimes we just wake up with a dull complexion once in awhile. Enter: Makeup. Cosmetics can help you look more awake and revived in a matter of seconds! All the tips and tricks are out there! For example, curling your lashes can make you look more awake. Adding mascara can make an even bigger difference. A white or skin colored liner on your waterline can do the same. Adding a bit of highlight to the planes of your face can make your skin look brighter. A bit of blush can make you look younger. Makeup is a great way to fix what you aren't pleased with on the spot! And they won't even know. ;)

I really hope this article has provided you with some helpful tips on how to rejuvenate your complexion. A healthy complexion can make you feel like a new person. Boosting your confidence in how you look can have a boatload of benefits in other aspects of your life. So before you stress out about stressed out skin, think again. There are plenty of solutions out there.

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